Monday, December 30, 2019

7 Personal Things to Keep to Yourself in a Job Interview

7 Personal Things to Keep to Yourself in a Job Interview7 Personal Things to Keep to Yourself in a Job InterviewSo before you have your next job bewerbungsinterview, brush up on unterstellung seven personal things youll want to keep to yourself in a job interview1. Your Relationship StatusWhether you are recently engaged (or recently divorced), your relationship status should be strictly private. Employers arent legally allowed to ask you if youre married or not, but if youre wearing an engagement or wedding ring, that will give him a clue.But dont feel the need to offer any information about your relationship (e.g., Were getting married in October) or even the gender of your partner, since some employers might unfortunately have a bias. Keep in mind that someemployers will ask illegal interview questions, but you dont have to answer them.2. Your Financial SituationMost people work because they want to contribute to society- and they also want to earn a paycheck, too. That doesnt mea n that you have to disclose to a potential boss that youre behind on the bills and you need this job ASAP. So avoid any questions that delve into your financial history.Remember, even an employer asking you what kind of car you drive or where you live can give him an idea of how much you have in the bank, so try to avoid those kinds of questions, too.3. Your Political ViewsThe presidential election is coming up, and hey, everyone has an opinion on the candidates, right? Thats all fine and good, but you should really try to keep your thoughts to yourself. You never know if the hiring manager is a diehard fan of the candidate you despise, or could hold your views against you, costing you the job.4. Your Family (Or Family Plans)You love your family, so it makes sense that you would want to talk about them. Bringing them up during an interview can be like walking on quicksand, though. Your potential boss might think that children are a distraction, and that youll probably miss a lot of days of work if your kiddos get sick and need to stay home.You might have to mention them, though, especially if you took time off from working to stay home and take care of them, causing an employment gap on your resume. If you do mention them, keep your information short and to the point, and always steer the conversation back to your skills and qualifications, so that a potential employer knows that youre serious about the position.5. Your ReligionSure, its 2016, but there are still plenty of people who have religious biases. No one is saying that you should have to hide your religion, but you also dont have to put it on display during a job interview, either. So if you wear a cross or a Star of David, you might want to tuck it under your shirt, so that it stays where it matters most- close to your heart.6. Your ExtracurricularsBosses dont want to hear how busy you are managing your childs soccer league and volunteering as the Room Parent. They want to know that your top priority is your job.So, if youre interviewing for a flexible job, you dont have to say that the reason you want one is because your social calendar is full with all of your kids activities and you need to squeeze in work around all of your preexisting commitments. You can state instead that you want the work-life balance that comes with flexible work- and no more.7. Your Feelings on Former BossesYes, you absolutely loathed your former micromanaging boss, but your boss-to-be doesnt need to know that. Why? Well, you never know if the two of them know each other (and if youre interviewing in the same career field, chances are that they do). Plus, it doesnt look professional to badmouth old bosses and colleagues it actually looks worse for you than it does for them, even if they were the most horrible people on the planet.Keep in mind that you will probably be asked about your former boss as part of your job interview, so be prepared to mention something (anything) positive about him or her, a nd dont blame the reason for leaving your last job on them. Youll save face, and it will put you in a more favorable light with your interviewer.During a job interview, you have to be careful not to let your guard down and start talking about topics that can negatively impact the impression youve made on the hiring manager. Stick to the questions being asked of you, and keep the personal things to yourself.Readers, have you ever started talking about any of the above-mentioned topics in a job interview? Did it impact it positively or negatively? Let us know in the comments below

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